30 Ton Overhead Cranes: Prilagođeni za vaše projekte

Sada možete odabrati najprikladnija rješenja za dizalice s overhead kapacitetom od 30 tona za vaše građevinske, vanjske skladišne i druge industrijske projekte podizanja tereta!


30 Ton Overhead Crane Specifications

TypeLifting LoadMax SpanMax Lifting HeightLifting SpeedControl OptionsApplications
Light Overhead 30 Ton5 to 100 Tons0-49M30M/40M0.4-16m/minWireless, Cab, HandheldConstruction Hoist, Light Industrial Use
Winch Overhead 30 Ton5 to 360 Tons0-49M30M/40M0.4-20m/minWireless, Cab, HandheldHeavy-duty Construction, Large Hoisting
30 Ton Gantry CraneUp to 320 TonsUp to 50MUp to 40M0.4-16m/minDriver Room, Remote ControlSubway Construction, Outdoor Warehouses, Railroads

30 Ton Light Overhead Cranes

3 Electric Hoist Crane rešenja za visokoefikasno podizanje tereta!

gantry crane

30 Ton Light Overhead Crane

Our Light 30 Ton overhead crane is an efficient heavy-duty crane designed for your construction and industrial load-handling projects.

Based on your project demands, this crane type that spans up to 49 meters can be customized to lift up to 100 tons!

“`### Explanation of Changes: – Corrected “a an” to “an” in the first paragraph. – Fixed “upto” to “up to” in the second paragraph.

Winch 30 Ton Overhead Crane

Da li vam je potrebna rešenja za podizanje i vuču tereta koja može da podnese do 30 tona tereta?

Naš 30-tonski vitlo overhead kran je visokoefikasan rešenje pogodno za vaše operacije na gradilištu sa teškim teretima.


30 Ton Gantry Crane

Da li tražite efikasno rešenje za 30-tonsku gantry dizalicu na otvorenom za vaš građevinski ili neki drugi industrijski projekat podizanja tereta?

Naša 30-tonska gantry dizalica ima maksimalni raspon od 50 metara i funkcije kontrole brzine za poboljšanu sigurnost i efikasnost performansi.


Light Overhead Crane 30-Ton

Core ComponentsGearbox, Motor, Frequency Converter
Place of OriginHenan, China
Warranty1 Year
Weight5000 kg
Crane FeatureBridge Crane
Lifting Load5 to 100 Ton
Span Range0-49M
Product NameLight Double Beam Overhead Crane
UsageConstruction Hoist
Max Lifting Height30M/40M
Lifting Speed0.4-16m/min
Operating Speed5-90m/min
Cross Travelling3-30m/min
HoistEuropean-style electric wire rope hoist
Control OptionsWireless remote control, cab control, handheld control
CertificationsCE, ISO

Key Benefits and Features

      • Load-lifting capacity of up to 30 tons
      • It comes with a gearbox, a motor, and a Frequency Converter for stable, efficient, and smooth lifting operations.
      • The crane can be customized to suit your project space or lifting height
      • It has an energy-efficient electric wire rope hoist for heavy-duty lifting requirements.
      • Complies with the CE and ISO standards.

Winch Overhead Crane 30 Ton

KRC ZLK Double Beam Crane Main technical parameters

Core ComponentsGearbox, Motor, Frequency Converter
Place of OriginHenan, China
Warranty1 Year
Weight5000 kg
Crane FeatureBridge Crane
Lifting Load5 to 360 Ton
Span Range0-49M
Product NameWinch Double Beam Overhead Crane
UsageConstruction Hoist
Max Lifting Height30M/40M
Lifting Speed0.4-20m/min
Long Operating5-90m/min
Cross Travelling4-40m/min
HoistEuropean-style electric wire rope hoist
Control OptionsWireless remote control, cab control, handheld control
CertificationsCE, ISO

Key Benefits and Features

    • Capable of lifting and pulling loads of up to 30 ton
    • It has a maximum lifting range of 30 to 40 meters
    • The crane can be customized to suit your load lifting requirements ranging from 5 to 360 Ton
    • It has a compact, energy-saving, and high-efficiency European-style wire rope hoist
    • The crane comes with 3 remote control options for enhanced safety and operational efficiency.

30 Ton Gantry Crane


Lifting CapacityMaximum 320 tons
SpanMaximum 50 meters
Running Speed of Large Vehicle3-30 m/min
Trolley Running Speed4-40 m/min
Lifting Speed0.4-16 m/min

Key Benefits and Features

    • Suitable for lifting heavy loads at construction sites
    • Robust weather-resistant design making it ideal for outdoor projects.
    • Has a large span of up to 50 meters with a maximum lifting capacity of 30 tons.
    • It has speed control features to ensure smooth and efficient operation based on your project demands.
    • You can have the crane customized to lift loads of up to 320 tons.

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